Cody Poe helps people reclaim their voices and protect their rights, providing consumer debt defense, criminal defense, and insurance litigation.
Sued by a Credit Card or Loan Company?
Cody will help you take on major corporations. He has represented over 2000 people in consumer debt cases and negotiations, seeking dismissals with major creditors like Discover Bank, Bank of America, and American Express. Some recent victories include a 65% reduction on an LVNV Funding account, a wage garnishment protection for a Bank of America customer, and a vacated default judgment.
Charged with a Crime or Traffic Ticket?
The right to a lawyer and a trial is an essential right under our Constitution. Cody will take-on the government for you and hold them accountable for violating your fundamental rights. He is a former Assistant District Attorney, where he served as Circuit Court prosecutor with significant experience in jury trials involving crimes ranging from DUI to Homicide. He currently provides defense representation for non-violent charges.
Hassled by Insurance Companies?
Cody provides representation for injured parties against insurance companies. Whether it is a claim against a homeowner’s insurance company or a reckless driver, Cody has a proven track record–having represented hundreds of injured parties–of achieving great results. Recent cases include a $500,000 judgment against a homeowner for maintaining a dangerous rope swing, a slip-and-fall verdict against a hospital for failing to maintain safe sidewalks, a policy-limits settlement for a family injured in a car accident on the way to the beach.
Cases Cody Handles
- Credit Card and Loan lawsuits involving Discover Bank, American Express, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Citibank, Cavalry SPV, LVNV Funding, One Main Financial, Wells Fargo Bank.
- Nonviolent Criminal cases involving drug possession, DUIs, and traffic tickets
- Insurance claims including car accidents, homeowner’s insurance claims, slip-and-fall claims, worker’s compensation
- Faulkner University’s Jones School of Law - J.D. - 2016